Inicio: 23/04/2012
Fin: 27/04/2012
The 10th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography
Which is run under the auspices of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), will be held from 23-27 April 2012 at the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center, Nouméa, New Caledonia, in collaboration with Institute of Research
for Development and Météo-France. Abstracts for papers and posters will be due by 15-Sep-2011 and the early registration deadline will be 18-Jan-2012. The conference
web page is available at
Since its advent, the ICSHMO has provided a unique contribution to ocean and atmosphere sciences that are specific to the Southern Hemisphere. The ICSHMO
takes place every 3rd year, and the previous one gathered 470 scientists in Melbourne in 2009 and was focussed on extreme events. Attracting both students and scientists from developing countries has always been a priority for ICSHMO. The objective of the 2012 conference, the 10th of the series, is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for presentations of our current state of knowledge, as well as motivating new research and applications within the variety of disciplines related to weather and climate of the ocean and atmosphere. ICSHMO focuses on the unique aspects of atmospheric and oceanic sciences in the Southern Hemisphere. Particular attention will be given to the following theme areas, however it should be stressed that a broad range of submissions are encouraged and are NOT restricted just to the following areas of the Southern Hemisphere:
• Monsoon Systems and Convergence Zones
• Sea level rise & vulnerability
• Climate predictability
• Ocean circulation and climate
• Climate change in the Southern Hemisphere
• Interdecadal climate variability and impacts
• Interannual climate variability and teleconnections
• Intraseasonal climate variability
• Severe weather systems and Tropical cyclones
• Inter-ocean exchanges
• Ocean observing systems and Operational Oceanography
• Island weather, climate and oceanography
• Cryosphere
• From Climate Change Science to Adaptation
• Special sessions: ACRE, SPICE