Inicio: 21/03/2022
Fin: 26/03/2022
FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENTWE, the Stakeaholders of the 9th World Water Forum, held
in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 21 to 26 March 2022:
1. Guided by the principles and ideals of the Charter of
the United Nations;
2. Recognizing water as essential for people and nature,
and thus the need to renew and further strengthen
our commitments to implement immediate actions
to address the challenges of water and sanitation
for development, improved livelihoods and poverty
3. Reaffirming our determination to achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular
SDG6 seeking to «ensure availability and sustainable
management of water and sanitation for all»;
4. Mindful of our commitments on water and sanitation
contained in UN resolution 64/292 (2010), the Paris
Climate Agreement, the Sendai Agreement for
Disaster Risk Reduction, the Daegu Declaration and
the establishment of the International Decade for
Action «Water for Sustainable Development” ;
5. Reaffirming the relevance of the Africa Agenda 2063
and the Africa Water Vision for 2025 on access to
water resources and quality sanitation in Africa and in
the world;
6. Determined to fulfill our shared vision for a world
in which every person has access to safe drinking
water and sanitation as a basic human right, including
through the respect of related human rights;
7. Aware that resilience in the face of climate,
demographic, health and food changes and the
fight against water stress requires availability of
water, in quality and quantity, to ensure the health
of populations, the sustainability of ecosystems and
inclusive growth;
8. Recognizing the urgent need to pay more attention
to water issues in the rural world, as a means of
reducing inequalities, creating opportunities for
youth and women, fostering development, generating
employment and optimally tackling the causes of
national and international migrations;
9. Concerned about the funding gap for investment
needs to achieve SDG6 targets
10. Aware of the need to use water as a tool for
cooperation for peace, solidarity between countries
and peoples and regional integration, through the
promotion of dialogue, peace, stability and improved
coordination and partnership, especially in the context
of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has illustrated our
common destiny;
Republic of Senegal
Un Peuple - Un But - Une Foi IR AL SITIO DEL FORO